Explore your natural side
Programs and Workshops
Our unique and diverse programs offer a wide range of outdoor learning experiences.
We combine the power of education with the benefits of being in nature to offer an unforgettable and formative learning journey.
We are excited to also have funding support from the YMCA.
Go to the RASP website and follow the instructions to apply for an opportunity of up to $800 per year per child.
Youth Options
Daily Adventures
Our single camp days are packed with opportunities for exploration, adventure and fun in nature. We follow the interests of the youth, making these days non-structured and full of excitement. This approach ignites curiosity in nature and encourages youth to explore.
Summer Weekly
We offer a weekly immersive experience that delivers wonder, joy, and lifelong memories alongside impactful learning. Our structured camps bring in guest speakers to support a diverse array of learning about nature, ensuring that campers get the most out of their experience.
We will be offering nature workshops for young people! These workshops will help participants develop their skills and establish a deeper connection with the natural world. Each workshop has specific learning goals to help guide the experience and learning.
Grown Up Options
No Boundaries Nature Series
Seeds Rooted partners with Denise Iszczuk to offer seasonal workshops designed for adults. Youth can not have all the fun. These workshops include hands-on skills, environmental, and artistic sessions for each season taking place in Huron and Perth County.
Family Nature Workshops
Family nature workshops provide a wonderful opportunity for families to come together, bond, and strengthen their connection with each other and with nature. We will create lasting memories and deepen family relationships while exploring the beauty of the natural world.
Grown Up Workshops
Just like children, adults can also benefit from spending time in nature. Whether you're a parent, aunt, uncle, outdoor educator, nature enthusiast, or seasoned bushcrafter, our workshops are designed to enhance naturalist skills, offer mentorship, and foster community building.
Educators Options
Professional Development
Whether you're a teacher, educational assistant, administrator, daycare provider, or homeschool parent, our workshops are tailored to equip you with essential skills that will elevate your work with youth. Gain more tools for your toolbox and boost your confidence to step out of the four walls and into the great outdoors as a learning space.
School Offerings
Our school learning programs are crafted to foster connections between students, and the environment. Through a hands-on learning method, we directly align with the Ontario Curriculum for all grades and subjects. Each program is customized to suit the specific requirements of each group, whether conducted on school premises or at a chosen location that enhances the lesson and engages your students.
School PD Day
Teachers and staff often concentrate on their students and colleagues, disregarding their own mental wellbeing. Holding Professional Development Days for entire schools can relieve some of the pressures of working in education and foster a stronger sense of community among staff members. Spending time in nature can also be an excellent way to promote well-being and improve mental health.
“Seeds continues to plan and implement programs that offer children opportunities to connect with the environment and the communities around them.”
— Lynn Wareing